What to Do If Your Laptop Suffers Water Damage: A Comprehensive Guide - SellUp - Blogs

What to Do If Your Laptop Suffers Water Damage?


In the digital age, laptops are our constant companions—for work, entertainment, and everything in between.

But what happens when your electronic ally encounters one of its biggest nemesis: water?

Whether it's a spilled cup of coffee or an unfortunate water bottle mishap, water damage can seem like a death sentence for your laptop.

However, with quick and careful action, you might just be able to salvage the situation.

Here’s a clear, step-by-step guide on what to do—and what not to do—if you find yourself with a water-damaged laptop.

Immediate Steps to Take After Water Spillage on Your Laptop

1. Power Down and Unplug

  • Immediately turn off your laptop.
  • Do not attempt to turn it back on, as this can cause further electrical damage.
  • Unplug all peripherals and detachable parts, including mice, USB drives, and especially the power cord.

2. Remove Excess Water

  • Gently tilt your laptop to drain out excess water.
  • Avoid shaking or moving it violently as this can spread the water to unaffected areas.
  • Use a soft, lint-free cloth to dab (not wipe) the surface, helping absorb any remaining liquid.

3. Disassemble What You Can

  • If you're comfortable and familiar with your laptop's components, remove the back panel to access the internal parts.
  • Take out the battery, SIM cards, and SSDs if possible. This helps in ventilating the inner components and speeds up the drying process.

4. Dry the Laptop

  • Leave the laptop in a dry, warm area with good airflow. The idea is to let the moisture evaporate.
  • For best results, place it upside down (keyboard down, screen open) on a flat surface.

5. Use Desiccants, If Available

  • If you have access to silica gel packets, these can be placed around the laptop to help absorb moisture.
  • Do not use heat sources like hair dryers as they can warp components and do more harm than good.

6. Consult a Professional

  • After doing all you can, it's wise to bring your laptop to a professional repair service. They can assess if there's any internal damage and possibly recover your device.

What NOT to Do When Your Laptop Gets Wet

1. Do Not Turn It On

  • Turning on your laptop when it's wet can cause short circuits.
2. Avoid Heat
  • Do not use a hairdryer or place the laptop in an oven; excessive heat damages electronics.
3. Don’t Use Rice
  • A common myth is that placing electronics in rice can dry them out. This method is not effective and can introduce dust and starch into your laptop.
4. Stay Away from DIY Disassembly Unless Sure
  • Only attempt to disassemble your laptop if you are confident in your ability to reassemble it properly.

FAQs on Water Damaged Laptops

Can a laptop recover from water damage?
It depends on the extent of the damage and how quickly you respond. Immediate and correct action increases the likelihood of your laptop surviving water exposure.
How long should I leave my laptop to dry?
It is recommended to leave your laptop to dry for at least 48 hours. However, letting it sit longer, up to 72 hours, can improve the chances of it working again.
Will water damage void my laptop warranty?
Most warranties do not cover water damage. However, it's worth checking your specific warranty details as some premium protection plans might include accidental damage coverage.
Is it safe to use a water-damaged laptop if it turns back on?
If your laptop turns on after a spill, it’s advisable to still have it checked by a professional. There may be residual moisture or corrosion that could cause problems down the line.
How much does it cost to repair a water-damaged laptop?
Repair costs can vary widely based on the extent of damage and the model of your laptop. Minor issues might be fixable at a low cost, but severe damage could be more expensive than replacing the laptop.


By understanding what to do when your laptop gets wet, you can prevent panic, minimize damage, and potentially save your laptop from permanent harm. Immediate action paired with professional help is your best bet in rescuing your tech from a watery fate.

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